Talk to me is a digital art web installation that serves to augment the story world of “Override”, a theatrical production by Stacey Gregg, commissioned by Watford Palace Theatre (London) for the “Ideal World season”. Talk to me intends to spark discussion and raise public awareness of the issues involved in digital media use – particularly the ways people configure their sense of self and their social relations through digital media. The goal of the project is to establish a network of creative exchange between new digital research and its potential for drama in the interface between research and the creative arts, particularly theatre, and in addressing the issue of science and society. Subsequently, we have developed an online interactive multimedia installation that functions as a trans-medial extension of the play’s themes on human augmentation and post-humanism. This video does not embed the interactive element of the installation as the user was able to chat with the chatbot represented in the video.
A full paper on this project has been pubished and available on researchgate: